• 搜索结果

  • 电视剧
  • 飞狼第一季 (43人评过)
    年代: 1984
    演员: Jan-Michael Vincent,Alex Cord,Ernest Borgnine
    类型: 电视剧
    简介:飞狼第一季 ...
    更新:2020-01-04 05:08:28
  • 电影
  • 动物性本能 (0人评过)
    年代: 1992
    演员: Maxwell Caulfield,Jan-Michael Vincent,Shannon Whirry
    类型: 电影
    简介: A police officer videotapes his wife having various sexual encounters to spruce up their marriage, which soon lands both of them in hot water with a mobster wh ...
    更新:2023-05-07 12:54:04
  • 电影
  • 终结英雄 (0人评过)
    年代: 1990
    演员: Jan-Michael Vincent,John Phillip Law,Ross Hagen
    类型: 电影
    简介: Kol is an evil guy about to be executed on a distant spaceship. He manages to escape on a shuttle and make his way to some woods in America. The commander of t ...
    更新:2023-04-16 17:54:04
  • 电影
  • 黑洞拦截 (0人评过)
    年代: 1990
    演员: Paul Koslo,Jan-Michael Vincent,Tara Buckman
    类型: 电影
    简介: Scientists at a secret underground complex have found a way to travel to another dimension. Three dimension-travellers are the first to go through the gate - b ...
    更新:2023-03-02 15:54:05

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